For one hundred years the members of Holy Trinity Catholic Church have watched over and guarded our children, young people, elderly, and most vulnerable parishioners. Today more than ever, every Catholic adult and young person must remain vigilant to root out abuse in the Catholic Church. Safe environment training on an annual basis is now a way of life for the Catholic Community. Thank you for the generous gift of your time and your service to our parish community. Thank you for helping to build an environment of trust and respect in our parish and in our diocese. Thank you for making regular annual safe environment training a part of your life as a Catholic and as a citizen.

Sincerely yours,

Fr. Milton Ryan, C.M.

Mission Statement

Mission Statement for the Safe Environment Program – Diocese of Dallas

As Christian adults, we have a moral and legal responsibility and are entrusted by God with the spiritual, emotional and physical well being of children. As they participate in activities within or sponsored by our Diocese, it is our responsibility and commitment to provide an environment which is safe and nurturing.


Reduce the legal risk and liability for the parish and the diocese.

Provide a safe and secure environment for the faith community

Provide education and training for all ministry volunteers

Provide a system to respond to victims and their families

Reduce the possibility of false accusations against clergy, staff, and volunteers

grayscale photo of people raising their hands
people raising their hands
Photo by Denniz Futalan on

Volunteer Requirements

1) Screening
Complete a screening form
Consent to an initial criminal background check and subsequently every two years
2) Personal Interview
3) Reference checks
4) Annual Training
5) Supervision
Ensuring that two or more adults are present for events
6) Guidelines
All volunteers must adhere to the guidelines as stated in the Diocese of Dallas Safe Environment Program for Schools and Parishes
7) Reporting all incidents

Screening Requirements

· All clergy and staff of the Parish and School

· All volunteers who work with MINORS (under 18) or VULNERABLE ADULTS (those who for reasons of mental or physical impairment cannot recognize danger or if they do, cannot extract themselves from a dangerous situation).


INITIAL & ANNUAL TRAINING: Documented attendance at one Safe Environment Program training session offered every month at Holy Trinity and various other times throughout the Diocese. Please watch church bulletin and website for specific dates and times. The Diocesan-wide schedule is available. Online training is available as well, but only for those who have been previously screened and require their annual update—see our website for specific instructions. ONLY the training is required to be updated every year—not your paperwork.

COMPLETION OF REQUIRED FORMS: All are available in English and Spanish in the church and school offices and on our website. Rest assured that all forms and information are kept filed under lock and key to ensure your privacy.

These are the steps required if you are new to the Safe Environment program and have not been trained.

1. Complete the On-Line Screening form (includes permission/release for background check).

2. Complete the Three (3) Reference forms—by a personal reference who has known you 3 years—cannot be a family member/relative.

3. Participate in a live Interview—documented personal interview by head of ministry/Director of Safe Environment/or parish designate. It is the responsibility of applicant to attend special interview sessions typically provided before trainings or to schedule if necessary.

4. Complete the Acknowledgment form—affirms you have read the SEP booklet and that you agree to abide by those instructions and guidelines.

5. Submit to a Background check—this will be conducted and documented by Diocesan approved vendor—currently Accutrak from information you have already provided on the screening form.

6. Have your picture taken for the badge—taken at the interview.

NOTICE: If you have been screened and cleared at another parish in the Diocese of Dallas, please have their Safety Officer fax or send a verification document to our church office to the attention of Carmen Garcia. The church fax number is 214-526-3477.

REPORTING CHILD ABUSE: A person having cause to believe that a minor’s or vulnerable adult’s physical or mental health or welfare has been or may be adversely affected by abuse or neglect by any person must immediately make a report to:

Texas Dept. of Family & Protective Services –Hotline: 1-800-252-5400 by secure website: