Holy Trinity Children’s Faith Formation

Faith Formation is a life long process of deepening our understanding of the Catholic faith. It requires a conscious effort on our part to participate in activities that allow us to learn and grow. Holy Trinity offers many such opportunities. Follow the links to the description of our different programs and continue to watch the bulletin and website as more become available.

a boy praying and kneeling inside a church

What is Required to Register?


  • The family must be registered parishioners or live within the boundaries of Holy Trinity Catholic Church (zip codes: 75204,05,07,09,19,35)


  • Parents whose child is to receive their First Communion or Confirmation must provide a copy of their child’s Baptismal Certificate at the time of registration.


  • There is a modest registration fee due at registration, $65 per child.

Parental Responsibility

Parents play a vital role in the preparation of their child. Parents share in this great responsibility of preparing their child to receive the Sacraments and in forming their faith in non-sacramental years.

photo of family standing outdoors during golden hour
woman reading a book to the children

Who Teaches Faith Formation?

  • A Catechist (teacher) is a caring individual who is willing to volunteer and share their love of God, their faith and their time with our young people. They are not theologians but they are committed to their own growth as Catholic adults. Class time and lesson preparation take approximately 2-4 hours a week. The curriculum is set for each class.
  • A co-teacher is a helpful individual that attends class each week, and who shares the responsibility for planning the sessions and presenting the lessons.
  • An aide is a kind, responsible individual who is willing to assist the catechist in the classroom with duties such as taking attendance, passing out supplies, assisting with projects, etc.

Can I Volunteer To Teach?

YES! Though There Are Some Basic Requirements:

  • Must be a registered parishioner at Holy Trinity Catholic Church.
  • A desire to work with our parish children and help them to grow in their Catholic faith.
  • Must complete all necessary documents and must have cleared a criminal background check. Please note, this is required of all volunteers.
  • Successful completion of The Safe Environment Training and Policies, which is required by the Diocese of Dallas for any and all individuals working with and/or volunteering with children.

If you feel called to this Ministry, please contact [email protected] or call the parish office.

children learning to paint with water color