First Communion

The night before He died, Christ gave us the great way of continually sharing in his death and resurrection by means of a meal, The Last Supper.
As St. Luke writes, “On the night before He died, Jesus shares the Passover meal with his friends. During the meal He took some bread and when he had given thanks, broke it and gave it to them saying,

‘This is my body which will be given up for you; do this in memory of me,’ He did the same with the cup… and said, ‘This is the cup of the new covenant in my blood which will be poured out for you’.” (Luke 22: 19-20)

Essential Conditions

An understanding of the Eucharist and a desire to receive Jesus are the basic conditions necessary for the reception of this sacrament. To be eligible to begin preparation the child must:

  • be in the second grade or at least seven years old
  • have attended two full years of religious instruction before enrollment
  • have begun the preparation for the sacrament of Reconciliation

Parental Obligations

Since the parents play a vital role in the preparation of their child, they are required to attend two meetings, at which they are given instructions and a book to be completed by the child. They then share in the responsibility for preparing the child in the home.
Parents must turn in a copy of the child’s baptism with the registration form or at the first parents’ meeting in September.
The Sacrament of First Communion or Eucharist will be celebrated as a parish group on Saturday, May 2,2020. There are two masses; English at 10am and at 1pm in Spanish.
Please contact Elizabeth Delgado, Coordinator of Children’s Faith Formation for more information.

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