First Reconciliation

Reconciliation between God and his people brought about by our Lord, Jesus Christ, in his death and resurrection. The Lord entrusted the ministry of reconciliation to the Church through the apostles. The church continues this ministry in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and in other ways. Because of human weakness, Christians “turn aside” and even break off their friendship with God by sinning. This sacrament is for the pardon of sins committed after Baptism.

The Essential Conditions

  • Attending faith formation classes for two years (not before the second grade)
  • Understanding the sin and the difference between serious and less serious offenses

These are crucial concepts for the reception of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. It is for this reason that the church wisely leaves the decision of readiness in the hands of parents. It is not necessary to receive this sacrament to be able to receive First Communion. However, we do recommend that the Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated prior to Eucharist.

Parental Responsibility

Parents are required to attend two meetings prior to the reception of the sacrament during which instruction is given on how to prepare their child for this sacrament. Then the parents need to work with their children at home to prepare them. The child must know the Act of Contrition and Hail Mary prayers.

What Age Does Preparation Begin?

Preparation is begun in the first grade, and the sacrament is celebrated in second grade. A group/family reception will take place sometime during the spring.

When Do Children Receive First Communion??

Preparation is begun in the first grade, and the sacrament is celebrated in second grade. A group/family reception will take place sometime during the spring.

The sacrament usually is received in early February.

Please contact Natalie Larraga, Coordinator of Children’s Faith Formation for more information.